Friday, December 23, 2011

Hobbit Home

Simon & Jasmine Dale have built a fantastic Low Impact Woodland Home in the Wales. It took him (and friends) four months to build and a total of 3k in cash! Fantastic job, and wonderful place (I only wonder how the site will age over time. Things like rotting, sagging walls/ceiling, etc.) His site is fantastic with a very good writeup on how he put everything together.

Thursday, December 22, 2011


Mechanically separated meat!

(That's chicken parts by the way.) Kind of Gross. ... maybe...
Snopes has a nice write up on how it's made, and the truths and (not) that is being told about it.

Best part is that Jamie Oliver (a TV Sheff) did a great show for kids on how it's made.

More hype from this topic, as it's now got the better label of "Pink Slime". (Why would you ever call it MSM when you could call it pink slime?!?!)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

VI Hart

"VI" produces these great stop motion videos that explain all sorts of math stuff in a really fun way!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Cool Lego

When folks with legos go nuts. (to be continued...)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

How Computer Animation is Done

BBC Nature Video Collections explains how they have been producing their "One Planet Dinosaur" show.

Can You Crack It?

BBC notes that GCHQ (the UK intelligence agency) has setup an unbranded website called challenging people to crack the cipher code they post on their website. (hint: it's probably a LOT easier to crack the website and figure out the answer then cracking it brute force.)

Conflict History Map

akg1330 tweets about the Conflict History Map. It's a google map that lets you scan to a specific time and see where all the conflicts were during that time.


PCWorld (and Kickstarter) has a nice brief on Brook Drumm's Printrbot, a low cost ($200), DIY 3d printer.