Monday, May 19, 2014

hot tub tug

Got a spare $25k?  Why not get a HotTug? Its a hot tub in a boat! has a nice right up on it.

Sunday, May 11, 2014


Kate Hanni did us all a favor a few years ago when she created, and fought for new expanded airline passenger protections.  Well, as wired points out, there are a new bred of Ambulance Chasers out there that will go after the Airlines on your behalf and get you money back for that missed or canceled flight.  God Bless them!

Net Neutrality Explained

Victoria Hart has _again_ produced a fantastic video explaining a very complex topic.  This time it is on Net Neutrality within the US.  Not only does she explain it in a very accurate way, but also prods you into being a civic member of society by pointing out all the great things you could do to take control of this situation.  

Thursday, May 1, 2014


American Superhero Lawrence Lessig is at it again.  This time he's fighting SuperPACs by creating one that he hopes will be so huge that he will be able to sway our government to reform how it accepts money.  He announced the creation of his MayOne today.  Lets toss him a couple bucks and pray to god it works.

A Smart Idea, A Dumb Society

Guns are range weapons, and dangerous in close quarter, hand to hand melees.  Armatrx has a good solution to the problem of loosing a handgun in a skirmish with their smart guns.  Unfortunately, the luddite US Gun lobby are afraid of safe guns and are fighting back.  (or at least Glock is worried that they will need to put this tech in all their guns, and it will cut in on their profits.)